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This looks like fun! I started a game with my character waking up next to a burning oil well but then realized I have  a rules question: Is the player supposed to roll the die to determine the level of success of whatever we do with the narrative of every card we visit, or do we only need to roll for success on the face cards?

I also decided to simplify things a little by skipping the bullet tokens and instead using a third d6 to mark my position on the cards with its top-facing number representing the number or remaining bullets.

Thanks! I hope you enjoy it for a long time!

The dice are just for the face cards, you choose the outcome on the other cards, or you could also use the same one without spending bullets.

That die idea was very elegant, yeah!


This was so much fun! What a killer theme you have here (pardon the pun). I love how the title perfectly describes what you do / the main crux of the game. I played this on stream and everyone had a good time 👍

If anyone reading this would like to watch my very silly play-through of 6 Bullets, you can watch the vod here (segment starts 13m).


wow, what an honor!  I'm too eager to reply and I haven't seen the stream yet, also because youtube is being youtube and is not loading properly somehow.


Maxi, I watched the stream. Thanks a lot. I had a lot of fun listening to you and the Ballad of Schmoopi. 
I have made another game for the One Page Jam, which you may also like, based on gossip happening in a "telenovela" setting.